After such a long and wonderful trip, seeing so many beautiful places in 15 states, meeting some really nice people, we are finally home for a while this time. What you see in this picture is my favorite part of Oklahoma
And the best part of Kansas is getting out of Kansas, and away from the smell of cattle!!
The pool in Chadron was also nice after the ride.
The faces of Crazy Horse and Rushmore were worth enduring the heat and cold and smells to get there.
North Dakota had some beautiful sights. The pheasant was something to see as well as the owl and deer.
Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado all had something worthwhile to make the trip to see. If I never get to go anywhere again, I can say that I was fortunate enough to see some of the most beautiful places in the good old USA on a motorcycle with some very dear friends.
Thanks to all who have kept up with our travels and I will post again on the next adventure.
That smell in Kansas is really the aroma of money. Just ask any of those ranchers and they will tell you.
No wonder money is called the root of ALL EVIL...
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