Friends like Randy and Sharon. They always make for a great time when they are around. Randy has led some awesome rides and introduced me to some really fine eating establishments. He and Sharon do a terrific job as our Ways and Means Committee. Randy's keen sense of humor is a delight to behold as he works his magic of agitation (all in good fun I must add) as well as bringing interesting topics of conversation. I think he knows about everything about a Goldwing too.
Steve and Linda are always a pleasure to have on a ride. Steve can plan some awesome rides and lead them or he does a super job as the drag bike as well. Linda is always fun. She puts so much effort in the things that she does for our chapter. Our newsletters are without peers because of her diligence.
Karen did an outstanding job along with her husband Ricky as our Chapter Couple of the Year for 2007. She also braved the cooler temperatures this particular morning to come out on her own bike to join us on this ride while Ricky helped out a friend who was teaching a Motorcycle Safety course back home.
And what can I say about my lovely bride! She is the consumate companion. She is so supportive in all we do. She can put together a trip better than anyone I know. She is so detailed and does her homework on every place we have been. If you enjoy the pictures I take on our own little trips, thank Billie for setting them up. Without her, I couldn't do the things I do and life sure would lose its excitement and flavor.
As I've stated before, it's great to be on the road with friends...
Until next time, We'll see you down the road.