Made a trip to the harbor for some seafood. Yep you guessed it, I had some fried clams. Very good but not as good as Anthony's in Newport. We did a little stroll down the dock after dinner and I watched a fisherman preparing to unload his catch of the day, squid but the bushels!

He had container after container packed on ice and there was a truck waiting to take his load. He told me he had been out since 4:30 am and said he was getting to old for this. It is hard work and he didn't have a deck hand to help.
We rode out Cape Cod the next day and went through Province Town on the point. That was an experience. We also went to the National Seashore on the Atlantic side of the Cape. The beach is beautiful.
There are signs posted warning about Great White Sharks in the area due to the Grey Seal population. They are a favorite prey of the Great White sharks. Jaws came to mind when I saw it. Don't recall seeing anyone in the water. Go figure.
After the visit we found another seafood shack on the way back to the hotel. Imagine that.We had reservations in Plymouth the next day for a Whale watching tour. WOW is all I can say about it. Just WOW. Being this close to these magnificent creatures was awesome. Look at there pictures.
Yes, I was less than 10 feet from this whale when it came out from beneath our boat to catch a breath before going back under. It was something to see!
And then it was gone... but we saw a lot of whales that trip. Our guides knew the names of the Whales if they got to see their Flukes because they had named all of the whales that normally inhabit the area. Every Fluke is different like our fingerprints. The guides gave us a lot of information about whales and their habits. Worth every penny.
On our way back in the Captain slowed the boat and came to a halt to call our attention to this Grey Seal bobbing on the surface just looking around and watching us. I'm glad there were no hungry sharks beneath it.
It was an exciting day. We saw a lot of whales in Hawaii on our first anniversary cruise but nothing this close. I had mentioned to Billie that I would like to do a Whale Watching tour if we ever got back. She surprised me with this tour when we were planning our trip. I was so excited to do this but it far exceeded my expectations. I'm married to the very best travel agent a man could ask for.
There is also a Pilgrim Village in the area but again, time did not allow us to go and visit it. Just another reason to go back, right?
We had dinner back in Hyannis Port that evening and went back to the hotel very tired but so satisfied with the tour we had taken. I would do it again without hesitation.
The next day we were off with a ride through Boston and a ride down Constitution Avenue to see the Brownstones. We went up the coast with a detour out to Gloucester to Maine. We did not stop there just rode through and also went through Salem and by the Witch Museum but again, did not stop so we could make our hotel in Wells, Maine in time to check in. More to come in Pt 6. Stay tuned.
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