Friday, July 6, 2007

Wing Ding Day 6

Opening Ceremony July 4th.

I had to break down and get a trailer after all. We just have too many miles to go with too much stuff to fit in the Autolynx. Thanks to Mike and Steve who gave good advice on the best purchase and thanks to Ricky for the tips on hauling this new toy. Now we will fill it up. We will need it for the rest of this trip.

The Crazy Hat Contest was a lot of fun. I made the finals but didn't actually win. Mike was wearing Robin's crazy hat in this picture.

This guy was very funny. I have never seen someone use their stomach muscles like this guy did.

Every talent show has an Elvis impersonator. This guy was actually pretty good. He has a pretty good voice and had some of Elvis's mannerisms down pat.

Tomorrow is our Yellowstone Park ride.

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